Every day disabled people must fight to stay alive - to have a voice - to have meaningful lives.
We know oppression from the day we were born. First in the ableist mentality that we are 'mistakes' of nature, punishments from God, abnormal, to perennially, either made NORMAL (operations, education, therapy etc) or put on the charity list for services! Being not a 'normal' citizen we must rely on the generosity of the 'normals'. Nothing is had as a citizen.
Ah the poor dears - lets set up a charity to 'look after them'. Thing is folk many of those charities we have no control or power within. Run by possibly well-meaning people, but usually run like businesses where the consumer is not consulted and CEO's and minions wages swallow up the funds raised by the general population - the box rattlers - collectors of money.
Growing up art, riding a horse, swimming were all THERAPIES whilst our 'normal' peers just went swimming or horse-riding for God's sake. But we are DIFFERENT so when we do what 'normal' people do it must be labeled differently. and if we argue the toss, boy do we get hammered by those 'normal/neuro-typical s. They don't do criticism well and bloody hell we ought to be grateful!
then at the end of our lives as 'oldies' past 65 (I'm 67) our disabilities, or abnormal body becomes miraculously 'normal'. No longer disabled, services , such that they were, are removed...we shift from disability to elder 'care' and get nothing - much. For now our 'state' is normal....we are old, no longer disabled so all policies for disabled people and rights...need not apply. Our state now is 'waiting to die', why else did all the older folk, by definition - disabled, die of covid 19 in nursing homes. Ah well that was 'normal' for THEM!
You couldn't make this up you know. The evolution of Disability oppression is worth study. It begins and ends with deep disrespect for our bodies.
Black and Ethnic minority groups know this. Racism is based on 'body' - the colour of!
Its simple yet truly awful. White is 'normal' , black definitely not.
So we 'abnormals'; who do not fit the White/'able-bodied' (how I hate that word) stereotype = NORMAL - we are to be oppressed, kept in our place. And our place is to have no power, no control, no say.
For us disabled/ill/old our battle is often with doctors - who decide whether or not to 'accept' what we say or declare what comes out of our mouth 'abnormal' too! Doctors have not championed our cause, far from it.
Next battles involve HSE professionals who rather than putting into place a platform of equality they perpetuate inequality and misery, From not supplying PA's to not supplying wheelchairs, aids and adaptations etc because you are judged not 'abnormal' enough!
So who decides HOW disabled we are? - them! Take all medical/community assessments - THEY decide the criteria, rule out certain features, diseases, difficulties to shorten the list of provisions needed. That's how it works. Always.
As for Politicians - don't get me going! They see our misery and look the other way. There's not been a Minister for health that champions our health RIGHTS. As for FMcG...so long as he's praised to the hilt that's all that really matters. Ego above Oppression.
So, do you detect cynicism, a slight irritability, a degree of anger - you bet you do.
I'm sick to very death of not being allowed to live.
We need OUR platform. our riots, our protest, our rage, our time to say 'enough is enough' Disabled lives matter
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