It's not based on "You need help -you'll get it", but rather "are you insured"? because if you are not, you are not going to be diagnosed, or treated anyway soon.
Add to that mix, if you are a woman - misogyny and paternalism
Add to that your position as a 'useless eater'. Hitler's phrase for those deemed to drain the state of resources, and were killed. Ill, disabled people, older people were discarded. Made to wear a black triangle.
Today the 'discarding' is more subtle - but it happens. What I notice in Ireland is the withdrawing of treatment if you are a woman, deemed too 'pushy', too demanding, if you are disabled, old or 'not worth it.
Why else am I stopped from getting a diagnosis of my rare disease?
Why else am I not able to access treatments such as physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, rehabilitation, neurology, overseas specialist help as a rare disease patient.
Is it because I'm about to pass my 66th birthday? I am a 'useless eater'. I'm not economically 'viable' , I am not 'worth it'.
yes it is. definitely, yes it is.
I know it, I feel it.
So WHO exactly gets Health Care in Ireland?
The insured (depending on your policy), well off, the rich.
I am insured. I'm not well off and have to make a judgement call as to whether I'll use my insurance. For my policy does not cover all costs; no-where near it. So I can't pay out too often. A consultant fee of 250-350euro must be paid there and then and only a fraction of that is refunded by my policy (not a brilliant one - though good for inpatient care)
But there's no doubt about it being insured brings some privilege and health care.
Take for example my ability to get a rheumatology appointment within days (albeit I was lucky there was a cancellation) because I have health insurance. Had I relied on the public health system I'd have had to wait possibly years. no kidding - years!
Take for example my ability to have cataract operations within weeks whereas public patients can wait up to 7 years and risk blindness in the process.
Take for example my ability to get a CT /MRI scan within weeks whilst public patients must wait years.
Take for example my opportunity to get a hip or knee replacement within weeks whereas I'd have to about 7 years for public care. A local woman in Greystones waited that long for her public hip replacement and was in excruciating agony all those years.
I know that because I can just about pay my annual insurance encroaching 3,000euro per year, I get preferential treatment. I jump queues. I get care.
I am privileged.
How does that make me feel?
so, so angry...
it offends me deeply ... but my fear about my disease affects my moral stance - I know this, and hate it.
Why should this happen? Where is the morality of leaving public patients suffering and languishing on 'lists' for years?
I go 'private' rarely, but when I do I know I'm privileged. I know it offends deeply my inner heart and soul. I roll through private hospitals, am treated with respect and politeness long gone in the public sector.
The difference in Consultants attitude is significant. (though if you're a rude consultant you don't change your spots that easily - I know - there are many atrocious Private consultants too - I've met them).
Irish consultants/GP's attitudes were highlighted in the Scally report on the cervical screening debacle as 'misogynist & paternalistic'. We women were idiots, ARE idiots.
Take this dialogue I had with my GP (a woman) recently. I had seen the rheumatologist and was reporting back:
MK: The rheumatologist says I can continue to take the Mobic (anti-inflammatory medication which had been stopped due to a suspected 'bleed')
GP: I'll wait to get the consultants letter confirming that. might have;
a) got that wrong
b) be trying to pull a fast one to get medication or
c) you can't tell me what to prescribe - only a consultant can,
forget the fact that left me in excruciating arthritic pain for weeks. Forget the fact I'm an intelligent patient. I have no voice. none whatsoever. I'm not to be trusted.
But largely the private receptionists, nurses and doctors treat you with a level of consideration not seen in the public sector. Where there are huge queues, general bedlam, and harassed staff - overwhelmed with too many patients and not enough staff or resources.
Seeing a Consultant in the public sector can seem like you are entering the gladiatorial amphitheatre where you know you haven't a hope in hell of surviving!
or made to feel that somehow you are very lucky indeed to have the appointment, after-all, you are the 'useless eater'. how dare you take up scarce resources. You are expected to accept the lowest common denominator of care/treatment.
you are expected to 'put up' with bad consultants attitudes, rudeness and dismissiveness.
you are not allowed a voice.
But even if you have a private insurance Consultants or GP's can bar you accessing the private sector. Asking for a referral letter to a private consultant, facility, or treatment abroad you still must run the gauntlet of whether your doctor will agree to that!
You can't just pick up the phone and make a private appointment, scan, or arrange overseas treatment. No , you do not have 'control' or 'power' even in the private sector. (Unless of course you are a famous person).
and here is the thing - 'power and control' as patients. we have none. NADA, zilch, nuffin!
forget 'working together'
forget 'medic/patient jointly addressing the diagnostic /treatment endeavour'
forget your status as an intelligent patient who knows more about your disease than your consultant
forget HSE complaints processes
forget hospitals complaint processes
forget the Irish Medical council -
you are 'nothing' either in the public or private sector when faced with a consultant/GP. (Particularly if you are a woman with male consultants or GP). you are merely a 'patient'. which holds no status in the medical field. none whatsoever.
Public patients fare worse - no doubt about it but you can't guarantee any better response in the private sector. I've met three private consultants, two ENT , one neurology who all were appalling.
So my blog is about three glaring issues in health care that need urgent addressing:
- 'Power & Control' - who has it?
- Rudeness, arrogance, autocracy and vile manner of some Consultants & GP's (too many)
- Disparity between public & private access to care and the discrimination, injustice and unfairness of that.
Patients need to fight for their health care like never before and the 'system' is weighed hugely against you.
Yes - health care IS a Human Rights Issue - Ireland breaches our Human Rights in Health care every day - there's no accountability, no sanctions, no change.
We are abandoned by our politicians.
we are betrayed....