In America the disability community are fighting a 14 year old disabled girls wish to kill herself. They argue her medical care and lack of support is forcing her to make this decision.
They argue governments love euthanasia laws as it allows them to coerce disabled people to get off the health and welfare books! Meanwhile the 'normal' typicals ( non-disabled people) rally around the 14 year old declaring her beautiful, courageous, wonderful...for making this decision. They throw her a mega party as their farewell to her. even though same teenager expressed she was isolated, lonely, had no friends, because she was disabled, Before her declared wish to die. They all come out of the woodwork to admire her death-wish. One more useless life to feed, they celebrate!
Here in Ireland, I feel suicidal, my twin feels suicidal, not due to our illness, or disability but due to loneliness, abandonment by the family, the community and government services, or lack of them....which force us into extremes of distress, difficulties, and penury. We do not live a life...we merely exist, in deepest depression caused by HSE lack of care and support. HSE abuse.
No-one really cares . We are 63 years old...not WORTH Saving, rallying around, fighting for. We are deemed complainers for even ASKING for more support. Our right to object to annihilation by state is seen as ungrateful. We should be grateful crips. Gratitude should ooze out of our pores.,gratitude for home help hours, a new wheelchair and a few PA HOURS. it doesn't matter it's not enough given our disease Or disabilIty. Doesn't matter we had to squeeze meagre help out of the HSE ( irish health service) , that it took 5 years of abject suffering in the old second hand power wheelchairs given by the HSE. Doesn't matter the HSE did everything in it's power to NOT Give us the wheelchairs we needed. Doesnt matter the abuse and denigration heaped upon us by an abusive primary care management of the HSE.
tokenistic service IS what we should be grateful for. We should have been grateful for any damned wheelchair, even if it crippled us, caused severe pain, and nearly killed us. It doesn't matter that we are still in medical and care crises., it doesn't matter. We are age. 63 , not worth it! How dare you even ask, journalists ignore The ungrateful complaining sick disabled person. Only the acceptable crip is honoured.
But we don't only fight the HSE for ourselves, we fight for ALL sick, older, disabled person in Ireland. Discarded by the state as 'useless eaters'! ( Hilter's justification for killing disabled people).
The sickening irish scene of apathy and dis- interest in the suffering, older, disabled, sick person is staggering. If we did commit suicide the state, family, community would NOT BE BLAMED. sure even the killer who killed his wife and children were not blamed!
So the state, 'killers' of sick, old, disabled people would be let off scot free. Our suicide would be entirely our fault! I can visualise the HSE sighing with relief. " thank god the Kennedy twins are gone"