Monday, December 28, 2015

'Your allocated 'role' as a Disabled/ill person in Ireland'

I have a progressive, rare neuro-muscular disease . I can walk with great difficulty but largely need a wheelchair. I find breathing, walking, eating, defecating, urinating, sleeping, nightmarish.  I can do virtually nothing without help.
Crossing the threshold from health to illness/disability is a threshold from respect to disrespect. No doubt about it after ten years of illness/disability I am under siege by my service providers trying to ‘beat’ me into a ‘role’ I did not chose. I have rebelled, and still rebel. It’s uncomfortable to agony of existence.
having a difficult test in the UK
The role is created/moulded by HSE service providers as well as Charity driven service providers for their benefit. Well, they can try, but I’m not one for moulding. I, for one have more professional expertise, achieved more, done more than any of these managers.
                              Speaking in the EU Parliament Brussels

But I have been forced to move from self – control, to powerlessness from employed to workless,  from sanity to insanity, from intelligent adult to childhood again.

I am expected to KNOW the rules of being sick and disabled.  If the HSE or Charities gave you a booklet of those rules and honestly told you what they expected (as opposed to the guff of policies containing brilliant expositions about ‘client-centred working’, listening to the client, working with, partnership with the client – all lies, all gloss, all fake), it would read thus…

(Italicised my responses)


Welcome to the land of the failed bodies. You have failed to stay well, failed to work, fail to earn your income, failed to look after yourself. This failure now renders you at our mercy.

What we provide is out of the good will of the tax payer (who resent paying taxes and the rich don’t) so we have to honour the well people who don’t really want you here, alive. You are now a burden on the state…you have failed.

This means we can only offer what we deem necessary. We expect you to be grateful and joyous as we shore you up as a failed citizen.  You have, after all, plunged this state into the economic mess it’s now in.

Anything you achieved before now does not matter. I care not the good you did, or the skills you have. This is now all DEAD. It matters not.

Rules of your position.


Please note any worker allocated; you must respect.  (well, I’ll go with that 100%, I’m all for respect - It’s the definition of respect I take issue with. It’s NOT about enduring every shit thrown at you by the worker or manager. More anon.)

Manner and presentation.

You must be courteous, not critical, Calm not irritated. You must NOT complain about ANYTHING. You must NOT shout, lose your temper, get angry, feel frustrated. You must be the perfect, long suffering ill/disabled person. Even in dire pain, even in dire distress, even in dire frustration, even in the face of abuse against you. You must be grateful.

Your illness/disability cannot be used as an excuse to deviate from total, unconditional care of your worker. The ‘care’ you are to offer THEM is regardless of their way of working, regardless of deficiencies or lacking in skills, training or resources. As a person we now control, because you have lost your power to control, we call the shots.

(Well this script has gained strength in the climate of austerity. It is un-manageable when ill, depressed, tired, isolated, trapped…and all things illness or disability can bring. It is un-manageable when the service you need to live a bearable life is not given. It is un-manageable when your illness completely defeats you.) 


You are NOT allowed to complain, regardless of any harm danger or neglect you experience from us.

We ARE allowed to complain about your behaviour.

All complaints will be investigated but be mindful that we know how to deal with complaints and have legions of lawyers and barristers in our complaints department. Furthermore we deal with complaints ‘in house’ so you haven’t a hope in hell, of any objective, professional, independent investigation. We have honed our defence skills. Just don’t even try complaining. You’ll get no-where.

Oh and don’t go to politicians, we have them wrapped around our little fingers and we can easily persuade them of our righteousness over your complaints. 

Multiple complaints will automatically be deemed ‘vexatious’ under our vexatious policies. Furthermore we will not inform you of the vexatious procedures, and will deem you so without informing you or allowing you any representation.

(This I know. Bitterly fighting I have been deemed a vexatious complainer, a serial complainer. But I have been vindicated. An ombudsman investigation upheld my complaint over being called ‘a serial complainer’ I was cleared and the HSE were told to apologise and clear up the mess. They’ve apologised but NOT cleared up the mess. )

 The essence of such a booklet is to put you firmly in the ‘down’ position. The powerless client; the always grateful ill/disabled service recipient. The moulding of your ‘role’ is viciously carved into your very being, from day one.  

Take some examples:

Powered wheelchair provision.

You must only ever accept, expect, second hand crap. You cannot expect either a proper assessment of your needs or a decent new powered wheelchair.
          Part of a delegation of wheelchairs users speaking about crap wheelchair            provision in Leinster house. Did it make a difference - not at all!

These are deliberately NOT provided as they will make you MORE powerful, which the system does not want you to be. They cost money too, and you as a failed normal person, have no rights to ‘decent, new’ wheelchairs.

The system of the ‘well/normal’ has allocated you your role and position.

Imprisonment of mobility is your role. And you are expected to accept this. You have no rights. 

Ha! Ha!  We’ve not ratified the UN convention on rights of disabled people (UNCRDP)….deliberately…Ha! ha! Don’t even try the ‘rights’ tack!
                         Yes...we do try the RIGHTS Track - OUR RIGHTS! 

 Transport provision

The fact buses, trains and DART, aeroplanes, taxi’s,  still don’t ALLOW disabled people travel on equal terms as non-disabled people matters not much to transport companies.  The fact the mobility grant and Transportation grant was slashed is not viewed as a human rights violation. Even though ‘freedom of movement’ is a legislated human right.

You have your role, you see. If we provide, wonderful, if we don’t, tough shit, as a ‘failed’ walker/normal you can’t EXPECT equality of transport. You must go through the hoops of our generosity to get anywhere.

As for transport to hospital appointments; well, that’s your responsibility not ours. Even if we have failed to provide public transport that accommodates your powered wheelchair, you are responsible for getting to hospital.  Even if on a meagre disability pension, you cannot afford the 80 euro round trip to the 4 appointments per month, on average, you are still responsible for getting there.

It doesn’t seem to be noted if I get sicker by missing appointments; it’ll cost more to the HSE budget!

Personal Assistants

The whole ethos of providing a personal assistant (PA) is based on ‘generosity of charity’. It is NOT based on trying to make your life equal to others, or offering opportunities for full inclusion into life, work and enjoyment.  We are NOT obliged to do that since…HA…we’ve not ratified the UNCRDP.

You are NOT in control of your PA service.

PA’s are there to prevent further expenditure on hospital or other community budgets. It’s a win-win for service providers, economically. This being so we ill/disabled people in receipt of HSE or Charity PA’s have no rights about how THEY work.

You are continually reminded of this generosity and this being so; you fear the generosity will be removed. So you fall into subservient silent role very quickly.

·        You don’t question, overly, practice (this is a complaint which you are not allowed to do), you don’t ‘tell’ a PA what to do or how to do it…this is being too bossy for the generosity on offer, too ‘powerful’.

·        If your PA choses to spend 10 Minutes of your precious hour on her mobile phone you cannot complain.

·        If you find her engaged in a conversation over the garden wall with a neighbour whilst ‘working’ for you, you cannot complain.

·        If you find in the supermarket they’ve taken 10 minutes of your shopping time to do their shopping you cannot complain.

The situation is more perilous if your PA is a non-national. For complaints are then considered potentially racist. I was angry with my (stand-in) Nigerian PA today and she accused me of ‘treating her like a slave’; a remark that utterly horrified me.  But is an effective additional weapon in the continual ‘war’ between ill/disabled person and ‘generous’ ‘well/normal’ service providers. I found the 'slave' comment abhorrent. The fact she was black, Nigerian had nothing whatsoever to do with the situation. She was using MY precious allocated time to talk to her children! She was working.

Why was I angry, because as I was looking for a lost purse, with money and credit card and frantically trying to get out shopping in the hour she had to help me…she was on her mobile talking to her children.

PA’s are not allowed use a mobile phone at ‘work’ (but it’s not really work, its generosity so she can do what she wants. I don’t pay for this directly).

I was exhausted after Christmas. I can barely keep up and running around my bungalow looking for my purse, on legs with muscle myopathy was a very, very difficult, distressing task. I just could not do it and was distressed, close to tears.

But if I complained…well I’m not allowed complain.

For any sign of frustration, illness, tiredness that causes you to be irritable, grouchy, or otherwise ‘shouty’ to your PA you are deemed ‘aggressive’. This can even be ‘upgraded to ‘violent’ at the whim of a PA or manager of PA.

Its perception you have NO CONTROL over. And who is ultimately believed?

[NB I’ve never been accused of being violent – but have been accused of being ‘aggressive’! Now I’m probably racist for shouting at my PA today. It’s utterly exhausting defending yourself. ]

You have to be in perfect, pleasant, nice mood endlessly (even in the face of poor or shoddy work, or pain or exhaustion). You are NOT ALLOWED be sick.  The strain of this ‘pretence’ is enormous.

If your PA should cause you harm (whether deliberate or not) in any way, either sexual (a case I have been told about) or damage to your person, a fall due to lack of care…you are in a dire position. Do you, or do you NOT complain? Will the service be removed as you’ve become a ‘complainer’?  Yes, it will…and if removed the next PA is cool to freezing in mood and relationship….for causing a mate ‘trouble’. 

You cannot just sack ‘em and hire another! There are serious ‘repercussions’ in complaining about a ‘generosity’ service.

You have questioned ‘generosity’, overstepped the subservient, controllable role. This is a ‘dangerous’ client, who might ruin the reputation of the agency providing the service or a PA’s job.


Here lies the awfulness of illness/disability in Ireland. You have no rights, you have no say, you are not treated as ‘equal’. By definition as a client, or service user you just are expected to put up with every bit of shit thrown your way. 

The HSE/Charitable mafia have ways of bending perception to demonise you if you step out of ‘role’. You have no power and no-one, no-one, not even the press (owned by mega rich government friends) or politicians (not in the job for your benefit mate)  or the few well-meaning charities, who do try to respect you, will support you as they feel forced to compromise and walk the other way in any dispute. Why? Because they are largely government/HSE funded organisations. Who would bite the hands that feed them?

NOW ask where is the fighting disability ‘movement’ in Ireland?  Oh we do, small groups, protest outside the Dail from time to time. Its always useless! But at least those of us who turn up are still fighting.
Largely, however, the disability 'movement' has been crushed by the political and HSE /Charity mafia triad of oppression.  There is now no ‘movement of disability resistance’.

It’s exactly how they want it.

Where does that leave me or my fellow disabled/sick brother or sister?

Not in a great place I can tell you!

                                           Not allowed in the FRONT door!



  1. as i have the same condition, this blog says it all really, how low do they intend to make us creep? because this is the best blog i have read in a long time describing being disabled and on whats considered the FAR side of 'some' fence....too far!

  2. I am reliably informed that there are very different models of personal Assistants practiced by both CIL the 'Centre of Independent Living' and 'AT'. These two organisations have models where the disabled person employs their own PA. Funding for this is supplied by the HSE. This model believe that Disabled people themselves should have control over their own care and how it is undertaken. Unfortunately the HSE is reluctant to offer these self-directed care packages. The HSE has refused to allow me such a package thus forcing me into this humiliating regime of subservience and control. That the HSE and a charity have colluded in a humiliating PA system is , in my view, a Human Rights violation.

  3. it goes on and on and on, i call it torture and inhumane treatment, nothing short of it.
